I’m honored to be a featured speaker at LEGACY: The Premier Strategic Business Event

Join me and over 40 other speakers at LEGACY: The Premier Strategic Business Event. Registration is free.

Sometimes we get so caught up in our lives and running our businesses and careers that we forget to consider the legacy we want to leave behind.

The truth is that unless we leave a legacy ON PURPOSE… we’re just fumbling along hoping that it magically happens the way we want it to.

So when my friend Alex Brueckmann asked me to participate in an event that’s designed to not only help you grow your business… but do it in an intentional way that creates impact for the world around you…

How could I say no?

Consider this my personal invitation to you to discover your own legacy and how you can make it happen on purpose.

Register free here: >>

Below is a short video where the host, Alex Brueckmann and I debrief our summit session.

“We’re all born with our inner song, the thing that lights us up and drives us forward. Being open to that is part of what helps us create and it connects us to the wisest parts of ourselves. It connects us to compassion. It connects us to courage, clarity, contentment, and the very reason we’re here.” ~ Dana P. Rowe